Instructions for Booking Online:

Please select the size of your home in the “select a service” dropdown.

Select the date you prefer. Greyed out dates are already reserved and unavailable.

Select 9:00 am as the start time. (Inspections can be time consuming and we prefer our inspectors to get an early start and have the entire day available if necessary.)

Appointment will be confirmed after payment is made through our secure Paypal Portal.

If you have any special requirements or alternative starting times feel free to call us to book an appointment over the phone at (470) 913-3346

When you book an appointment your appointment is reserved pending approval. When you submit your payment online through the secure Paypal portal, we are notified of payment and will approve the booking. Once the transaction goes through your appointment is confirmed. It’s that easy! You can expect your inspection report to be issued the same day as the inspection and you can be present or not for the inspection – whatever your preference. If you have any questions about your inspection, the process or online payments please contact us at (470) 913-3346.

